Category: rights
Croydon Central Library Code Club
As you can see from the large hole in my post history, I’ve been a little busy for past couple of years. Of course, this is no excuse. I’m just as busy now, if not more so. But I’m going to put more effort into regularly updating this blog. Code Club is one of the…
Never mind the quality…
I’ve recently been having some bandwidth problems. Although I have an “unmetered” account it appears I’m using too much. Actually it’s not all me, I’m in a flat share situation and it doesn’t make sense to have a dedicated Internet line each; at least it didn’t.
The Ministry of Truth
During the Blair wars I petitioned for impeachment of the PM on the grounds of lying to the house. And sure enough, 3 years and countless pointless deaths later, he voluntarily stood down to a standing ovation from his peers. (And let that be a lesson to you!) It was the first time that I…
Nature’s justice
I finally saw Channel 4’s controversial Diana documentary. Normally I tend to avoid things like this. Our royal family holds little interest for me. But it was getting mentioned everywhere and I wanted to know what it was that had annoyed so many people. So when I noticed a repeat as I was channel hopping,…
Democracy in action
A mere three and a half years after voting to invade Iraq, MPs got their first chance to debate the wisdom of their decision. It is also the first time I’ve watched a parliamentary debate since that vote. It is time to review my opinion of our form of government.
The problem with democracy
Democracy, if it’s done right, is mob rule. It’s easy to forget but we get the odd reminder. Recently the local elections provided the slumbering British media with a horror story in the form of the BNP. The press love this kind of story, but only because they can spin it as the rise of…
No security through stupidity
To twist the words of W. A. Wulf: more resources are wasted in the name of security (without achieving it) than for any other reason, including stupidity.
Vendor lock out
The NTFS file system has some great features. But its proprietary nature means that if something goes wrong, you’re pretty much on your own. That’s why it’s vitally important to make a boot-able recovery disc if you’re using an OS like Windows 2000. Not that it would be hard for Microsoft to provide an ISO…
Crossing the event horizon
I may not remember exactly why I installed a blog; not yet anyway. But I’m beginning to see why blogs are so popular. I think they will significantly contribute to the future of individual expression in a way that I simply hadn’t considered before.